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Become A Better Communicator

Most of us perform better in one part of the communications process, as either a Speaker or a Listener, but don’t go to the effort to make the most of our communicating abilities by improving the weaker skill. But our communication is likely to be so much better and more effective if we did. It’s not too difficult. Speakers need to be aware of their audience Speakers are good at sending out a message. They’re focused on what they’re saying and how they say it. What they too often m...

August 1, 2024

How a Customer Advisory Board Will Help Your Marketing

Customer Advisory Board Overview Success comes from meeting customers’ expectations and satisfying their needs. Both expectations and needs change over time and keeping abreast of these changes is essential. The owner of a small business usually knows their customers personally. This is an excellent beginning for the development of a relationship that can help you with you marketing and in the acquisition of new customers. What is a Customer Advisory Board A customer advisory board is a r...

July 10, 2024

Branding for Business to Business

In B2B marketing a poor brand is confusing to those who make purchasing decisions. Businesses place a higher value than consumers do on the reputation of their supplier so a single, well recognised brand, can be important to winning a sale and turning that into repeat sales.In the B2B context it’s much more effective to create a single powerful brand for the business that can be carried above the products it sells.Research shows branding’s importanceA study conducted by Accenture on the B2B ...

June 8, 2024

Improving Cashflow

Cash Flow Strategies Cash flow is often called ‘the lifeblood of a business’, and for several good reasons. But the flow of cash into most businesses is uneven and there can be times when a constrained cash flow creates serious problems, even if the long term situation is positive. There are, however, ways to improve the cash flow of any small business and remove some of the worries about bills not being paid or not having enough on hand to pay wages. These mainly involve no more than adjust...

May 31, 2024

Evaluating New Business Ideas

People who are self-employed generally like to stay that way. If they sell a business they quickly start another one, and successful owners seem to have a ‘knack’ for coming up with good ideas for new businesses. This ability is based largely on their experience and on a set of values or standards that should be applied to every business idea before going ahead with it. This system of evaluating business ideas applies to both products and services; we use the term ‘product’ to mean both....

April 15, 2024

Five Oversights That Can Kill Your Business

Business owners usually have long term visions for their enterprise, but most business failures happen quickly, before the owner is able to change course or implement strategies that will correct the situation.  The fatal gap between planning and performance is often the result of one of the following set of factors, although two or more of these can occur simultaneously and accelerate the organisation’s demise. Take a close look at your own business and be sure none of these are taking s...

March 31, 2024

Top four kinds of Marketing Advertising

Most of us tend to use the same kind of ad over and over again. If your ad is pulling in sales, stay with it. But if results aren’t quite what you’re looking for, try switching to one of these top four types of ads.Your ad can simply work to build your company’s image. Most of the banner ads big corporations have on the Internet are designed to do nothing more than familiarise people with the company name. A big chunk of the ads on TV do the same thing. And that’s not bad. Most customers...

February 25, 2024

Customers Are Only Human

Customers Are Only HumanAs businesses of all sizes increase their uptake of technology and use equipment to save money and take over functions previously provided by people, they’re also running the risk of alienating their customers.Extensive ‘telephone trees’ intended to direct callers into the most appropriate channel to handle their enquiry require customers to go through a series of options even though they already know what they want to accomplish with their call. Something that is m...

February 15, 2024

Delivering The Goods

Any business which involves selling a physical product requires the ability to arrange delivery of the product to customers in one way or another.Unlike larger organisations, small businesses don't have huge budgets and people available to develop their own carriage service so the most frequent option is to use a third party whose business is shipping so as to ensure logistics are carried out effectively.But to do it in the most cost effective way can involve some deliberation of the options. Th...

January 31, 2024

Create a Network of Wealthy Customers

Create a Network of Wealthy CustomersWhether the 80/20 rule applies to your business or not, if you can identify your wealthy customers you can target them directly with high-value offerings. And even if you don’t have 20% of customers that you’d consider ‘wealthy’ you can create a network of customers that will help you grow your business and greatly benefit your bottom line.Define your trading areaStart with an accurate definition of your trading area – where your customers are. The ...

January 15, 2024

Become an expert in your own industry

Whether you sell to businesses or consumers you can increase your level of success by becoming an industry expert – someone who’s well known and acknowledged as an authority on matters concerning your industry. It takes work to achieve this kind of commercial stardom but once you’re at the top it’s almost self perpetuating.Get ready for recognitionPrepare a clear definition of the industry you want to represent, whether it’s a broad one such as ‘retailing’, or very specific, such a...

December 22, 2023

Find Your Niche And Market To It

There are many definitions of a ‘niche’ market but essentially they’re a subset, a smaller segment, of your existing target market. This is very important because it means they may already be aware of you and are already prospects for your company’s offerings.Members of your targeted niche will share a similar set of characteristics. You can exploit that by satisfying those common needs and catering to their particular interests, and they can be extremely profitable if you provide them w...

December 15, 2023

Look Good to Lenders

Look Good To LendersBusinesses borrow money for a number of reasons. Additional capital may be needed to increase production capacity or to open a new retail outlet. It might be necessary to borrow to expand overseas or to upgrade the business’ IT facilities.Whatever the reason, borrowing money involves the need to favourably impress the lenders you are approaching for finance. There’s never a guarantee that they will support your proposal, but there are some preliminary steps you can take t...

November 30, 2023

Write a Business Plan With Investor Appeal

Every business should have a business plan in place that it works to and compares its performance against. These are usually functional plans that have the intention of serving as a guide to management, but may not be the best plan for impressing potential sources of funding for the business. Businesses often need to borrow money or attract investment capital, and when doing so need a business plan that’s both realistic and will demonstrate to those not involved in the enterprise that the busi...

November 15, 2023

Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

Many small businesses have already discovered the benefits of outsourcing certain functions of their organisations. Tasks including accounting and payroll are often handled by external providers more efficiently and economically than if kept in-house.As long as a business retains its core competencies internally there are few functions that can’t now be strategically outsourced, thanks to a new kind of entrepreneur known as a Virtual Assistant, or ‘VA’.  VAs are independent businesspe...

October 31, 2023

Ten Questions You Should Be Able To Answer ‘Yes’ To

Ten Questions You Should Be Able To Answer ‘Yes’ ToThis is a list of questions that every business manager should be able to answer with an unqualified ‘yes’. They largely relate to the fundamental need of identifying and understanding your competition, and if you find yourself giving a ‘no’ answer to any of them it means you could be short of valuable information that would provide you with a competitive advantage.1.     Do you know who your competitors are? Do y...

October 15, 2023

Got Employee Issues? Document Your Case

Documentation of your employees’ performance and their conduct at work is becoming one of the most important tasks of management. It requires attention to detail that’s time consuming but it can save your company thousands of dollars if an employee relationship goes sour and you need to justify disciplinary action or even termination of their employment.Take a typical case of an employee whose performance is substandard. You will usually have a discussion with them in which you outline their...

September 29, 2023

Late client payment can really cost you

Many companies are carrying customer accounts that are still outstanding after 60 or even 90 days. Sometimes this is acceptable if that’s the arrangement they’ve made with the customer and planned for in their budgeting. But when an outstanding account gets beyond reason you may have to bring in external agents to help collect the debt.Debt collection experts have identified four ‘triggers’, apart from lateness, that are definite indicators that the time has come to call in the professio...

September 15, 2023

Don’t Freeze Making Cold Calls

Cold calling is a widely used method of prospecting for new customers. Any business owner with a telephone knows that two or three times a day someone they have never met will contact their company with some kind of proposal like seeking an opportunity to quote against an existing supplier.It’s not easy to make cold calls and those who have the job of making them often feel uncomfortable about their assignment. But there are ways to ‘warm up’ to the task so that you will feel more relaxed ...

August 31, 2023

Developing Your Team Members’ Basic Skills

Employers that provide their team with training are making a commitment to better customer service and to being more competitive in the marketplace as well as encouraging a reduced team turnover rate. Few businesses are incapable of providing some sort of in-house training to improve skill levels and the improvements in performance that result makes it a highly cost effective investment.A typical small business’ basic skills training programme can incorporate on-the-job instruction of individu...

August 15, 2023

Don’t Let Others Waste Your Time

Most business owners find there’s never enough time in the day. Your time is valuable and the demands of your business usually dictate how you spend it. The last thing you can afford is to have your time wasted by others.Time-wasters are people who take up your time in such a way that it distracts you from running your business. You’re unable to manage because you have to spend your time dealing with people who just don’t seem to understand that you have more important things to do.Busines...

July 31, 2023

Putting your business on the right track

Keeping Your Business On the Right TrackA business plan is a roadmap that sets out your route for the development of your business. It doesn’t tell you just about the current state of the business, its strengths and its weaknesses, it will also show up the opportunities and what needs to be done to stay ahead of the competition.You might think you know all this now and don’t have to write it down. But what if something happened to you and someone else had to take over the operation? What wou...

July 14, 2023

Getting your business sale ready

Getting Your Business Ready For SaleSelling a business can be a complex and time consuming process. When the time comes to sell your business there’s a lot you can do that will increase its perceived value to prospective purchasers. You will also be much better prepared to discuss the sale with prospective purchasers and their advisers.Be sure that you have a clearly defined reason for wanting to sell your business that you can articulate to others. Have you considered the options to selling y...

June 29, 2023

Get Your Business Ready For Sale

Selling a business can be a complex and time consuming process. When the time comes to sell your business there’s a lot you can do that will increase its perceived value to prospective purchasers.  You will also be much better prepared to discuss the sale with prospective purchasers and their advisers.Be sure that you have a clearly defined reason for wanting to sell your business that you can articulate to others. Have you considered the options to selling your business? If you’re sell...

June 15, 2023

Discounting Is Dangerous

Offering a discount in the heat of negotiations may seem like a good idea at the time but thoughtless discounting is an easy way to lose money fast.Before you succumb to the temptation to win new business by offering a discount take a moment to consider these ten problems associated with discounting.1.    Discounting eats away profit margins!2.   Negotiating a discount focuses the customer’s attention on your price. If your only competitive advantage is price you are i...

May 31, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 34 | Page next